Abhijeet is too young to say he has focused his career in technology development and customer-driven solutions, or really anything for that matter. So let us just say that ever since he graduated from school in 2008, all he's done is engineering, including high-level involvement and participation in the Drupal community. From his humble beginnings, from learning English on BBC Radio broadcasts (he safeguarded those AA batteries) to walking 16 kilometers each way to/from school, he knows what drive and determination is. Having busted his chops for other I.T. companies in the capital of New Delhi, he awoke from a dream where he believed he could start his own company and help fellow entrepreneurs succeed in their business. As he is always found of quoting, “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.” This guy has taken a lot of stairs; and despite the muscles in his legs from the stairs – his cricket game is still awful.