Our Founder and Managing Director is a senior Drupal engineer and long-time contributor to the community. In 2009, Mr. Sandil started the New Delhi Drupal professional group on LinkedIN and has been very involved in promoting Drupal in the Indian I.T. sector. Prior to leading his own Drupal development initiatives, Abhijeet worked for various companies over a period of 3 years where his primary focus was Drupal architecture and module development.
The company has built Drupal sites for countries on all six continents and is a regular contractor and outsourcing partner for many overseas Drupal development companies. Abhijeet and members of his team regularly consult on global projects as well as speaking at Universities across India in Drupal design and engineering best practices.
Drupal Development
- Drupal Full Site Development
- Drupal Custom Themes
- Drupal Custom Module Development
- Drupal Optimization Services
- Drupal Site Maintenance
- Drupal E-Commerce
- Drupal Theme Conversion from PSD Files
- Drupal UX/UI and Re-Design
- Drupal Conversions 5, 6, 7 and 8
- Drupal Audit, Reporting and Testing
- Drupal Site Maintenance
Drupal 8 with Symfony
- Innovation
- Resources
- Interoperability
Community Contributions

Drupal 6 in Drupal 7 which gives you pre-moderation function for some comments that includes bad words or disallowed urls. Bad comments will have unpublished status and will go to 'admin/content/comment/approval'. All other comments will be published as usual.
If all comments already pre-moderated you don't need this module.

Drupal requires cookies for user login, but by default no error message is given when a user's browser is set not to accept cookies. The result is a broken site--after attempting to log in, the user is returned to an empty login form with no indication of why login failed.

Formula Field: A new fieldtype for drupal, which fetches all "integer" fields in a bundle for eg: "article" and allows user to create a formula, based on available fields for that particular bunldle. The value for this field is calculated based on that formula.

This module is an sub-module of Ubercart.
This module will give Site admin an ability to create invoice for user and user will receive link in mail to pay the invoice.

This is module for Show Me Your Email (Drupal 7) updated version of showmeyouremail .

Add option "Hide this term" to taxonomy term edit form.
If option checked, term will not be shown on node view.
Drupal7 version of Hide this Term module.